Pitchfork helps us to keep OR in our portfolio because we are in an upward trend
BrokeOUT a strong resistance and the SNAP market according to the pitshforks is in an uptrend and probably a pulback before accelerating upwards
We have two possibilities, either the market broken the pitchwork upwards or the trend broken down and follow the pitschwork
We see a very important break in the resistance then very likely to even a pullbuck before starting upwards
According to the pitchfork indicator we see the DAX is trending upward
PITCHFORKS help us to take the right position as buyer in US30
Ich empfehle Ihnen, DAX in ihrem Geldbeutel zu behalten
Es gibt fast 80% der wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Market sinken wird.
there is 80% of probabiltiy to see the LAND short in the coming days
I recommend anyone who is interested in the NFLX stock to as buyers