ade idea for currency linking for my friends how i gonna to this
This video i will show it to my friends how i anaylse me trades. This was a sl.
Weekly outlook for eu, gu and ea. I will show this video to my accountabilty partner.
Video for my friend for swing structres and bos ratatatatatatatataatatatat
This video is for my accountabilty partners for what i am gonna trade for the week.
This is a outlook for my accountabilty partner how i manage GU.
This is a video for my partner to show how i am gonna trade today.
I wil show this to the community for what i am gonna trade for this day.
I will show this to people in the communty how i manage my trade on uc.
i made this video for my friends so they can look what i am gonna to do
trade idea for eu and emotions Emotions have fuckt up my trade
We are in consalidation and idk where i need to trade, so i am looking tommorow for trades
This video i will show my partner what i am gonnna trade for the week