Henlo fremds It is nothing very surprising but looks like DOGE reach 66c again sewn. But this time by this nice creeping up curve, so who knows- maybe never again then!!!!!!!!!!111 So it is the very good chance to fill up on some DOGE right here. Such happy trades are wished for everybody and special PZs to the DOGE community. And thanks you Elon for the mining...
go buy your kids one already, we the future. peace! #doggonacci
Hello frend, this is my new very analysis of $DOGE market moves it seem like its some altseason again and for $DOGE too. So we started with the big weekly chonker but always be aware of flipping directions. Its always not bad to hodl when it comes to that and have Good luck fren and happy trades
I rebuilt my exactly old curve to look if BTC will do something with it. If so, it might go very very high, but take care to trade it frend and better be ready! #doggonacci
>DE: Diese TA ist schon etwas älter geschätzt 2 Monate. Sollte Bitcoin in eines der grünen Triangel wandern, würde ich tatsächlich neue Coins kaufen, auch zum hohen Preis. Dies ist längst geschehen und bei mir werden $DOGE nachgeladen. Viel Glück und Erfolg jedem Trader! #doggonacci >EN: This TA is estimated to be a little older 2 months. Should Bitcoin move into...
simple TA idea with no explanation. good luck crypto frens! :D *no financial advice* #doggonacci
BTC is on such a go on and might do there something, a great opportunity to fill up on some $DOGE #doggonacci
TA is 40 days old, check the link to related ideas for part 1. #doggonacci
Bitcoin is waiting already and it is patient. Who will have the weaker hands, you or Bitcoin? Does Bitcoin even have hands, and of so how many? Well, let's see! :D #doggonacci
in the following days there could be such dangerous swingings frens, take care #doggonacci
wow signal, much wows such woofs very intergalactic #doggonacci *no financial advice*
Horus pattern confirming the 7900 buy #doggonacci
much last chance, very increasing price with the time. such wow maffs #doggonacci
If we breakdown the green triangle & orange Baseline then ~$7900 will happen #doggonacci
then a quick small retest #doggonacci
Dogecoin about to x10 in BTC price while bitcoin goes up EZ #doggonacci
Its a riddle fren
breakout rejection vs 1MILL