Looks a bit like BTC going ~$15k and ~$5k before ~$100k somehow rn
Scaled and adjusted a bit around, seems to fit my correction curve that I placed months ago. Lets get together and feel alright (R.I.P. BobMarley)
BTC going 4k then 50k then a trill-a-zillion USDoge
To me it looks like LTC/BTC finally "dipped" and heading up. Expecting a bullish reverse soon, but watch out for a drop right before. Could reach 0.011 BTC as a pre-pumpy confirmation.
Volume and volatility increasing. Could end the triangle path, then shoot up end of SEP, being followed by a ~ 1 month bullish trend. Later expecting a faster correction after ATH, like 2 new ATHs in 2019 most likely.
Dogecoin could reach 200 satoshis easy if crypto goes up to new alltimehigh this year. It already had nice prepumps last time.
a rare yingyang with faces #hodl
a weird drawn yingyang for BTC/LTC the bulls are the future! #hodl
Looks like BTC dippin sideways on the already uptrending correction banana zone FINALLY buy and sell by BTC and USD symbol #doggonacci
BTC tanking and doubling this month looks very possible
STEEM will go up soon compared to the bitcoin price like ~ 550%+ at least
so adjust many indicator Carlos so legend
LTC looking like beginning a new curve in the longterm uptrend. But pay attention, because last time it did, it dumped just a moment before to immediatly come back to its BTC price base & then began its SERIOUS uptrend (last green zone). Next one should happen this month and will maybe do some moves right before again. BUY and SELL zones are market and with...
BTC seems to be pretty unpredictable right now but really likes the 7k... This is an idea of 1 more month tanking, entering and leaving the month AUG at 7k, to make a real GREEN MONTH in SEP. The White vs Yellow is my ideas
This is my Bitcoin pyramid which is a result from my very first correction curve. You can see the correction banana (copied curve for tolerance area), sinewaves that go very well with the bitcoin swing movements and much more. All placed with sense, no randoms by #doggonacci (scroll right for FIB spiral cross)
After the last sideways in the 8k and the dump, BTC now looks like refueled again to, and maybe real pumpy days coming in when all the lines come together. Could take 1 more day tough. 04 AUG 2018 Bitcoin dipped at ~5.800$ and still slowly entering uptrend to me.
sometimes pictuerez explain more then words. #GetYourRupeesRight WOW ,much analiezy. so McD by doggó ( PLEASE scroll right axis to make FIB spirals cross the bullseys, if not fitting) #bitcoindelic #15k #25k #50k #chartart by #doggonacci