The sentiment of EURCHF currency pair is UP SWING. Recent swing is moving UP from lower band to middle band. The previous swing of EURCHF currency pair was DOWN and had no volatility movement, so demand is decreasing. As market direction the sentiment has turned to positive while the buying pressure overcomes the selling pressure. The execution of selling price...
The sentiment of AUDNZD currency pair is DOWN SWING. Recent swing is moving DOWN from upper band to middle band. The previous swing of AUDNZD currency pair was DOWN and had no volatility movement, so supply is decreasing. As market direction the sentiment has turned to positive while the selling pressure overcomes the buying pressure. The execution of selling...
The CADJPY currency pair has been forming successively higher bottoms and higher tops since 29th December 2019 when it registered the low price of 82.198 on H1 chart. As demand is greater than supply, the sentiment has turned to positive while the buying pressure overcomes the selling pressure. The bulls will control the period because of the swing formation of...
The EURUSD currency pair has been forming successively higher tops and higher bottoms since 24th January 2019 when it registered the low price of 1.12893 on H1 chart. As demand is greater than supply, the sentiment has turned to positive while the buying pressure overcomes the selling pressure. The bulls shall control the period because of the swing formation of...