-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge. -Breakout and Reversal.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge. -Breakout and Reversal. -Pivot Point.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge. -Breakout and Reversal.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Breakout -Waiting for Reversal.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge. -Breakout and Reversal.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge Formation. -Breakout and Reversal.
-Support. -Uptrend. -Wedge. -Waiting for Breakout to go Long in EURGBP.
-Resistance. -Downtrend. -Breakout. -Wait for Reversal for more Confirmation.
-Uptrend. -Support. -Parallel Channel. -Wait for the Breakout and Reversal. -Watch for Price Action in order to go Long in this trade.
-This could be another Opportunity for Going Short in AUDUSD. -Resistance. -Downtrend. -Trendline Breakout and Reversal.
-Resistance. -Downtrend. -Wedge. -Breakout and Reversal. -Doble Top.