The decline in tech stocks is more severe, see angle of decline blue (2022) vs green (2008) vs red (2001). Although this decline is more harsh, it could possibly drop further than the 2001 percentage decline. See the duration of the remainder of the bear markets. 2008 historical shows we need 125 more days to bottom out, the 2001 decline from here still needs more...
The stock market as a bubble since the decoupling from the gold standard. Shocking chart only used for entertainment only. Warren buffet and the 100-year investment strategy does not end so well after all. The crash will be talked about as the single largest event in human history. The Dollar destroyed. Population is decreased significantly. Society collapses...
What would happen if the FED raised and held interest rates at 20% for 10 years and stopped printing money. Foolish chart.
A great depression level scenario model from historical trends and recovery taking 7,000 days.
The chart does not capture accurately the lows in the channel; the model is not accurate.
What would a 2008-2009 Crash look like right now given current projections of historical analysis?
Short term breakdown in oil is almost here, this will reverse and turn to the upside sitting at $150-$200 per barrel. Yikes get ready in a couple months.
Simple Analysis on dollar index and the stock market to include commodities.
A chart of the DOW and FED Funds rate hikes and cuts over the last 70 years!