We STILL stay away from Cryptos I dont hodl any coins and I never will. This was a one off trade that I'm sure he will close this week.
Looking into Gold (Which is something I NEVER trade) we are at an all time high however, Gold and DXY move in opposite directions. If I don't trade this commodity why do I put effort into forecasting it? Because it helps me keep track of EURUSD, AUDUSD & GBPUSD. Gold moves in opposite of DXY, track as many confluences to build your confidence in making...
This landed in my inbox this morning and I have several calls on the next move. How would you trade it and whats the target?
It was a very risky trade due to the close over the holiday period but it's an account I have no emotional tie to.
Nothing to do but over eat and binge watch TV, took this for some fun. I'm heading out for a walk.
One last surprise, if/when price breaks out of the wedge it's time to get in and ride it through to the new year.
I explained why this trade has a high probability and mentioned how I probably wouldnt take it. Placed a large order on it seconds after posting haha. I'm at BE and will probably secure profits during the London open. This is my last post of the year I hope it's been a profitable one for you all
This is way I'm cautious of the pair, we have news coming out at midnight also which will be an issue. It's best to stay clear until we know what happens
I would pay attention to this break here, Once again I'm not trading this pair however something tells me its gearing for a short.
Targeting 50% is a habit I will always go by and this is because 50% is always hit during wave 2. I would rather hold for something guaranteed instead of the other target.