When Trading any Market it is your job to attain value. Just like any other business that exists in the world you must be Buying for less and selling for more or selling for more and buying for less. It's 6 and 2 3s. Trading online with a computer is no different. Your job is to structure your capital so that you can consistently attain this value and Trade...
So as we predicted (see all prev analysis) The EURUSD fell LIGHTLY and is now RE approaching key resistance for a hit. If you are NOT tracking news and market sentiment you may have found you OVER risked or did not anticipate this correctly. It is up to you now to make the change. Watch on for more!
Sometimes markets swing A LOT. Therefore you must sustain these swings. This is how ya do it.
So here's another one that you may not see today. When you RE attack levels and there is quiet Market Sentiment you will get scalpers markets.. In other words, price formations that previously occurred will occur again. If you do not know what this means, it is a good idea to find out now in the Video. Trade Small and Trade Safe
So if you previously saw my analysis you looked to the short side. This came from CLEAR Traders infers on price levels historically that RULE the market. On top of this was market sentiment and the knowledge of the fall that came. Watch on..
So here's another Crypto Video. In this one you shall learn what it is to not get Burnt from falling in love.. A dangerous game but one that you must master. Watch for more.
This kind of thing is what you need to pick Trades Right and with the RIGHT Value. Do watch for an update.
The Chart annotated shows an easy Trading lesson. In at PA levels. Out at PA levels. In other words buyers are in Sellers are OUT and vice versa. The only thing YOU need to know is what that means and how to read it. Tiny shorts upside. Normal size lower. Trade HVAs small.
As we looked previously to Early support for longs you now have the ability to exit. Remember, we are looking to determine where Buyers RE enter (support). The amount we trade must be changed accordingly. Look for early exits and shorts only higher up.
Well there you have it. The BTC Market Slides and slides on Poor market sentiment after the FTX crash. Many Traders will have seen the current price we are falling to (circa 14K) and thought ah, we won't get there.. Well we are almost there. Which is why you must know what a Black Swan is and how they can and will happen. If you are fully prepared for such...
In this video we look at the before and after. Take market value, it works. See you there.
In this video we will look at what and why levels cause re bounds. It's not magic. It's not a dream. It's just people pressing buttons to fill orders in big offices (and small ones). Learn to know when this is the case by looking at candles and Market Sentiment. Trade Small Trade Safe
We previously looked for a target at this level (exit longs, new shorts). This is why and what to do now. Watch for more.
The BTCUSD chart got smoked down On Bad Sentiment... You must now decide how you will trade it. It's a HVA and shorting upside is not wise.... unless you like getting closed. So only Longs (lightly) on falls to minor areas. Do not pretend that we can't go nearer 14K Trade HVA's small.
The GBPUSD has risen greatly after falling to extreme lows... It was at this point you could decide.. Is the GBPUSD cheap? Am I getting a good deal? Has it fallen an extremely long way and has a low price? If you took such information into your Brain VIA the Computer and took it long and exited for gains you made the right decision as we looked at so many...
Well, you should never say never. Because there is always a possibility... Could not be more truer in the financial markets. Trade WISELY therefore. Tight Risk management on assets that need it and understanding that LONG term targets will be hit. Trade small and Trade safe.
After the CPI Data in the US massively shifted the market sentiment and Various USD pairs to the upside we can look for Exits and New Shorts. A great time to learn and understand market value.. Watch to learn more.
So we saw a lot on my USDJPY Chart I posted a few days back. USD got hammered VS JPY after an enormous move up. Those who bought got annihilated. And rightly so. Those who were short.... Well you know how that goes. So on the GBPUSD we have the opposite with a LOW price. As you can see it rallied enormously as the larger money market moved it. As I said and...