Hey Guys, You may remember my post recently and all the ones before hand where we described how to trade falling markets.. This was particular for the pound amongst many other pairs as they all got whacked on USD strength.. But it does not go on forever (and don't think it will next time).. Eventually markets turn, its just nature and has to happen. Well we...
If you saw my previous anlaysis on various different Asset classes, you will probably have traded this correctly. As we said: We want to take Market Value. Where is price low and where is it high on TFS? We want to trade So that we are NOT stopped out on these moves. We want to KNOW why and what has just happened in the market. Put these together and you have...
Well, there's another one. Ask yourself where YOUR Position was... I did say you do not want to guess and get your stop taken out.. Its PAINFUL. If you Trade light and you trade in stages with scaling methods, ya won't get burnt. Trade in stages. Do not rely on one move up and do not rely on position being successful. Exit Longs on Market Pops. RE Buy lower.
Hey Guys, We previously looked at the SPX in such a way as shown in this video. We are WILLING to hold off on poor market sentiment and take accurate entries. Once we have taken them we MANAGE our Trading accordingly. (apologies for the tired / Quiet voice im on holiday in Antibes!
Eurusd Is a Prime Example Of A Market That Has Been Hit Hard And Becomes Very Low In Value. Dropping under parity was alarming enough for most economists and Traders / Investors. It came as a surprise for many and its unprecedented move goes hand in hand with its historical Pricing, level not hit for Years. However.. It Presents Opportunity. Opportunity to learn...
Hey Guys, For those of you are who are tired of waiting for a LONG move.. Again we reiterate that you NEED strong sentiment for this.. Otherwise, you will just be range trading. If you are doing this you must do so accurately with appropriate RM. Watch for more.
If you are sat twiddling your thumbs because Crypto has low movement... It might be time to diversify. Focusing on one asset ONLY will limit you to its movement. When market Sentiment around that asset is quite, you are left to Trade Channels. This may involve lower risk and lower Margins (lower profit) If you add MORE into your portfolio you can trade MORE...
Cast your minds back.. Oil Falls to MINUS Value. People are just giving barrels away instead of paying to store it. The value absolutely Wiped out because of fear and mass selling. Many Traders at this point got extremely scared and thought it was NOT time to buy into oil (In many ways) and all was over. The fact is, despite the price being extremely low and...
So we have sat at the level seen for a while now.. WHY? Well as we have spoke together for a while Market Sentiment is BAD and people are getting out of BTC.. For now. Like any Market you will see a Rebound it is just how YOU Trade it and Exit along the way. Watch for More.
As we rise to early resistance we can look to take some gains. Similarly to other crypto assets we are reaching FAIR early resistance levels and seeing a bounce off (as expected) This is coupled with POOR global market sentiment and adds in for our Recipe. Take gains.
There's nothing I enjoy more than telling people hey, Take a Trade Here Or There. That's because it means they are being WISE to what is required to enter and exit the market repeatedly for profit. This does not require a Genius. This doesn't require you to be a millionaire.. It just requires KNOWLEDGE so you can gain power over the Market. This knowledge is...
In The Markets you see repetition and you can LEARN to trade. Here's a clear example on bitcoin as well as what we are looking for in the future.
News is due soon. DO NOT be the Trader who attempts to guess. It is not a profitable strategy. Watch for more..
Lots of Traders Tend to say.. 'I hope this doesn't fall further'. This means you are GUESSING. You are not trading with a system of Value. Watch to learn how its done.
Morning Evening and Afternoon! If you are sitting or have indeed been sitting looking at FX markets Like EURUSD you have probably wondered why it has happened in the way it has. For some of you, you are wondering what YOU could have done to stop getting blown out and actually make money. The adjustment a lot of people need to make is simple. Do not get sucked...
For all Bitcoiners still waiting for a market move.. You can trade it NOW at factual levels, not always hold on for years. Anyhow here's an update.
Hey guys, lots of Traders are looking at the Pound VS Dollar and thinking the same thing... Man when is this gonna fall stop falling? Remember Traders are NOT 100% Right all of the time. But the ones who are profitable do NOT need to be like this. You just need to know what is an appropriate level to trade. You also need to know what is an appropriate Position...
Sometimes when news is coming you need to KNOW whats likely and whats not. Learn this and it will save your butt!