Sell from 21/04/2016 And out before Market Close we will have Up Gap when market close :) Good Luck
Take a sell from 20/04/2016 To 04/05/2016
Astrologie Analyse Gold (01/03/201 to 23/03/2015) 02/3/2015 Conjunction Saturn == continuation de la precedante tendance(voir elle est haussier) 08/3/2016 New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Nouvelle tendance!!!! 09/03/2016 Opposition Jupiter:Normalement on obtient une nouvell tendance(Retart 4...
21/04/2016 18°58'37"Lib Opposition Venus 21°05'57"Lib Opposition Uranus Result New Wave 22/24/2016 2°30'58"Sco Opposition Sun Result reverse of 21/04/2016 23.04.2016 22°30'41"Sco Opposition Mercury=== return to the principal wave 25.04.2016 7:45:36 8°31'50"Sgr Conjunction Mars+15°37'13"Sgr Conjunction Saturn=Continuation of the principal wave of 21 ...
Big Move and Change Price 21/24/2016 I Will Updat The Direction Astrologie Analyse
Astrologie Trading :Moon Cycle (Exampl) Like That we Trad
Star sell from 20/04/2016 To 17/05/2016(For short take to 04/05/2016) 04/05/2016 Pause On Market (Period to watch no to trad)