Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data. stocktrading stocks stockmarket forex swingtrading
Algorithmic 5 dys forecast of the day This forecast is based on algorithmic analysis using Artificial Intelligence and big-data.
Selling 50% Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Poor AI freaks out - no more positioning in TSLA for the time being!! Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
is generally more wrong than right predicting STX!!Needs further investigation. Last week’s outcome Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR
Total portfolio results: correct prediction rate: 58% growth: + 6.8% — w/o leveraged products (e.g. cfd, options, …) — incl. 4 cents spread / transaction — stop loss = 1 ATR