The last time that the price was around 100 $ was at the IPO (2014) and then between AUG 2016- JAN 2017 TOTALL ASSET : IPO(2014) : 41.27 B 2016: 73.55 B 2017: 114.01 B 2020: 257.86 B 2021 :276.25 B (UNTIL Q3) GROSS PROFIT : IPO(2014) : 8.12 B 2016: 14.05 B 2017: 20.66 B 2020: 42.09 B 2021: Q1 + Q2 +Q3 =37.25 + Q4(9.03)(IF WE CONSIDER SAME AZ Q4 OF 2020) =...
Let’s start with fundamentals: 1.Earning for q4 was about 4 % below estimate (33.67 B) but still 20 % higher than same period last year. 2.Totall net income for 2020 was 29.15 B and for 2021(4 quarters) is 39.37 B. Isn’t it wonderful? And FB is trading at 232$ (is equal to the average price of 2020, but with 34% higher net income.) And after all FB is heavily...
Do we have a nice return? The technichal indactors confirm that
every thing shows that we will have a strong pullback. Just look at the RSI chart in weekly priod.Even at the covid19 decline, RSI couldnot go under 30.But now its hitted 18 !!! The other point is volume.The volume of trading was over 115 M. What does it mean? The profesional trader are just buying...