protocol pirate chain send the check run the markets down up to go down up is down
homage meemgawd run it up with them, they need downside liquidity fck em up
there is no 48th president 148 to 768 up to down tv no expansive descr
down into the up before big up forms a base, breaks the base, then reverses
the news is pivoting edge of bear structure its going to max fear into higher low
homage @meemgawd Noot monthly support holding edge of channel pivot
its not always you take an arrow to the knee phuk tv always gona be brief
not scaled for time, only the structure and liq highs and lows based on a third touch fool oh fool, not three times
no tradingview dont fall like twitter youre next 'house rules' kneed to 1a
war war war war war but its not physical gas so high you gone break middle class
the vortex the (w)holes the big picture a to b can you see that
eurochannel euroclub eurodance freestyle open your eyes ceres
arrr you ready anon no aml kyc ocookies no follow or no privacy ye