we can risk free... we have two probability again :) if brake we fallow our order but if return the red line can be important target but you must know that every blue lines can be the last target... so please be careful and be vigilant...
ok the shiba is in important place... if brake up we can take a long order but it is possible that brake down... so we wait for brake... please like and say your Opinion about this coin... have niceeeeeee day :)))))
the price after touch start moving to its targets... the first target is for short time and second target for longer time... you can start new order but all responsibilities are on you...
we have 2 probability... brake or return... if broke we can take short order and if returned we can take long order... so we just wait for signal...
It leaved the Triangle so it can increase to higher targets...
hi this chart show that it can increase to 100 persent...