Moeda ganhando valor de forma confiável. Currency gaining value reliably. Pode explodir a qualquer momento! It can explode at any time!
GOOD DGB - THE NEXT BIG UP COIN Attention, those who have not yet bought, keep your eyes open, buy any fall it give. Who has already bought, do not sell before 1500 as you can lose the good entrance. Comment: Potencial 1737+ Trade active: Comment: VERY GOOD BUY TIME TP1 1515 TP2 1737 TP3 2068 TP4 +
GOOD DGB - THE NEXT BIG UP COIN Attention, those who have not yet bought, keep your eyes open, buy any fall it give. Who has already bought, do not sell before 1500 as you can lose the good entrance. Comment: Potencial 1737+
I will continue to believe in the recovery, for several reasons.
Price now 2450-2500, real price coin 3500-4000