XLM to $.1699 What Symmetry! April Fools! WE AWAIT THE LIGHT 1X10^(-27) LM
Let's see if we get a third bounce off the trend line... That trend line is easily in play from now until the end of the year. We also have good confluence with the .786 fib extension from the ATH in January 2018, to the low in March 2020, and to the high in May 2021. A touch of .086641 at the .786 fib extension has a good probability.
Don't be fooled... XLM to .017 XLM Lights Out on April Fools 2023?
Another big disappointment for the JUNO community today. The latest in a string of major failures for the chain stemming back to early 2022. A single poorly coded app was able to affect the entire ecosystem and almost knocked it off line. I think JUNO will make new lows even while BTC, ATOM, and the rest of the crypto market do not.
BTC is Nuts Take Cover Under the Veil of Heaven Blessed are they who climb the mountain for they know water flows to the valley
ALGO - Fib Time & Space Predictions using the Power of Pyramids the length of each segment of the blue rektangles is equal to the time price spent inside of the price range of the pyramid (diamond) so using pyramids give us knowledge about time AND space that lower triangle caught my eye a while back and i had to leave it on there interestingly it lines up...
GALA - As Above So Below Gala to $.011 This would be on the level! GALA is The Rock GALA has got Good Vibrations
JUNO a Cosmos based chain. JUNO where we going? Look to the Stars!
From this day forward this pattern shall be known as "The Golden Goose" A golden time is before us. While BTC.D is back at all time lows forming the double bottom of the century, the ducks will fly.... but do not look to the fowl sky for long look to the nest where the golden goose lies
WcStellar XLM Welcome To WcDonald's Look a Double Cheeseburger Left Unattended! WE AWAIT THE LIGHT 1X10^(-27) LM
Atom setting up to go supernovae to end the summer? Or will Aquarius throw cold water on the party? ATOM @ $16.232 or ATOM @ $5.55
BTC TO $9735 CME GAP TO FILL FROM JULY 2020 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2020 Will it be a quick wick or will we need to range here? Lot of GAP news lately.... No leader Kayne got the GAP on his perfectly black hoodie covered shoulders for now. New Leader incoming. The GAP will be back in September... www.cnn.com www.complex.com
ATOM for Labor Day Weekend 2022 Let's See Could be just a T.P. 1...
The value area high from the ATH to the low on June 18th is $28.18 If we take a fib from $28.18 to the value area low on June 18th We find that .5 fib gives us confluence by lining up closely with a ISHS target. I se the target between the .5 fib and the target for the ISHS
ALGO ISH Targets with TP's TP 1: .395 TP 2: .4169 TP 3: .4695
ALGO showing heavy confluence at .395 cents We have a ISHS target matching up with a volume profile and a fib with the same coordinates. Let's ALGO to this target!
The AOL Time Warner Merger was valued at $350 billion and closed in January 2001 some months after the peak of its stock price...AKA THE DOT COM BUBBLE BURST After adjusting for inflation it's clear.... It's over. Eth Top is already in Forever.