#Analysis of Sol Time 4H currency The price broke a support zone and created a FL range. And we can see that liquidity accumulates before this range and it is expected that the price will reach this conclusion after that and then continue its downward trend. Be sure to keep an eye on it
#Matic 4H time currency analysis It is collecting liquidity before the supply range and is very intensively approaching its first supply range. After seeing the trigger, it is suitable for selling. If this range is broken, the next supply range is suitable for selling
#Atom currency analysis time 1H The price is approaching its important market in the time of one hour, and after seeing the appropriate trigger, it is selling. Be sure to keep an eye on it
Update #Analysis of Bitcoin Time 4H According to the previous analysis, we said that Bitcoin has reached its last unused range in this price range. And we can see that this range has been inflated and it shows that the orders of this range have been consumed, and in the next search, the price can go beyond this range and reach lower prices. But for now, for this...
#Requested_Analysis Band time 1h The last support point is characterized by yellow color. If this support is touched, it should be corrected and adjusted accordingly. If the support of the ranges is used and after seeing the appropriate trigger to get TB
#Demand_analysis of ETH currency 4H time The liquidity price has accumulated before the round range and has reached its consumption range, and based on the Dominance analysis of Tether and Bitcoin, if this range is touched, it can be entered in the pullback to sell the position and other different ranges have also been determined. Keep an eye on it, if the trigger...
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency
Supply and demand ranges of currencySupply and demand ranges of currency