This work could not be possible with out the awesome Fin Tech Tradingview provides. I would like to cooperate in development. I Thank EVERY one out there who 'Like' my charts. I think of them as Art and Science Data Art : D_art Art with intrinsic value.
and curves , space and intended. i hope these are good to some one.
TNX Stock market positive is Grey box BND in the curves
Missing the castles and tassels. media : data on tradingview.
haighl kaiser. From Orange A to Yellow C, colect at Green A I can hardly believe a long on DB. I have posted 'death raddled before. Fantasies? nahh, optimism.
Clearly a long term hold and wonder ! Behold Low, ^^invest now^^ with a Scots accent. It is a perception of the probability space ahead. as foreshadowed by the previous action. beware Solid Red that is the red limit. if for the briefest of scenes , one saw Gorge, Jet-sons display . . . You would know he got it from a box labelled ACME.
there is another SPY chart . all in all it says . Beat the current resistance Tuesday! You Want "a We" there is the stackles