Let's be honest: with such a good running fortnight, XLM was bound to see a pullback when the rest of the crypto market saw its Sunday night drop. A quick peek at its fundamental growth shows us things are right on track, assuming the bottom we found tonight stays consistent with the rest since it's started seeing higher growth patterns. Whatever the case, I'm...
Today we take a little look through the optimistic and pessimistic lenses of LINK growth (as charted by me, a guy who can't chart) The Patented Purple Profit Eater Bar (patent pending of course) suggests that growth could be slow enough to make even the oldest of Romero's undead groan with anxiety. However, once we factor in our Blue Raspberry JUICED Short...
As clearly shown by the presence of a strong Triple Boob indicator, ALGO makes a climb to surpass its day 1 position with a Total Recall