Hello friends. I think that following a breakout from this accumulation area, Fartcoin will soon have an echo bubble that may go as high as $1.00 or even a little higher before the excitement starts to fizzle out again and prices begin falling. There are several things making me interested in this idea. 1) Smart money accumulation According to Stalkchain, large...
Hello friends. Microstrategy is presenting us with an amazing shorting opportunity. The stock acts as a sort of closed-ended Bitcoin ETF, and it is now trading at about 250% above its NAV. To reach it's correct price, MSTR needs to fall down by over 70% to around $50. This will occur through further share dilution as the ATM is utilized to issue shares and...
Hello friends. DJT is a very interesting stock going into the election. It's Trump's stock, and he owns more than half the shares which have recently been unlocked for sale, although he has promised not to sell. The election will have a large impact on how the stock price moves, and it's coming up soon on November 5th. The odds for the election are currently...
You can make a person believe in anything, so long as they believe that enough other people believe in it. This is one of the greatest human weaknesses, and it is exploited to no end through marketing schemes, which of course you are too smart to fall for, because you are special, just like everyone. Here is the fascinating thing, which you (if you are a Bitcoin...
Hello friends. Shorting Bitcoin should yield enough profit to retire if we can get in at the 40k level. This is one of the best trades you will see in the coming years, so the size should not be small!
Jim Cramer recommends Celcius to his audience. Combined with this, we are seeing a breakdown in the upwards momentum of this stock, as the price has fallen off of it's highs and created what looks like me to be a corrective pullback to an impulse down. Let's put on a modest short with a 3-1 R:R ratio and see how it goes.
Hello friends. Our primary wave count for both the QQQ and the SPX is that we have formed a leading diagonal to the downside which is now pulling back, and is about to launch into a total collapse. No matter which wave count I pick though, it is clear as day to me that the market is not going to be rising very much higher for much longer. The longest I could see...
Hello friends. Remember when we said that Bitcoin "cycles" are dead? Our argument was logical and based on the fact that ideas that are given too much importance by retail traders tend to fail. 100k BTC 2021 is a good example of a narrative of this nature. It didn't happen. Why? Because that would have been too easy. Since then, they added another band onto...
Hello friends. Right now it's tremendously difficult for me to pick a side on Bitcoin. I have arguments for being bullish, and I have arguments for being bearish. Both of these arguments are quite compelling. Bullish arguments: We have not yet seen the kind of peak euphoria that we might expect from an echo bubble. Nowhere did sentiment overflow with excessive...
Hello friends. I made a good profit from the initial announcement that weed stocks would be rescheduled because I foresaw a news event like that occuring and purchased a position in weed stocks before anything happened. Then I sold near the top, since the trade has become crowded, and now I am waiting for a good entry point again. I think that another big...
Hello friends. This is our primary expectation for the ES at the moment. The wave count looks nice and bullish, and the fair value has been consistently in a rising trend, which normally leads to higher prices. Our exact position is October 30th calls at a strike of $433 on the SPY, because we expect quite a strong move upwards that should terminate around this...
Hello friends. I am making a huge investment into Chinese real estate equities with half my networth. My plan is to hold this for at very least a year, and realize a long term gain. I am expecting to make a 100% gain on this investment within 1-2 years. That's my base case, anyway. Things could go differently of course. Since it's an investment, I don't have...
Hello friends. Eli Lilly has been catapulted into an extraordinary bubble, spurred on by the narrative of their weight loss drug being taken up by America's obese population. The price just seems to go up and up forever, and many traders likely think that it will go to infinity. But all bubbles must pop at some point, and we think that it's the perfect time for...
Hello friends. We have been watching AMC collapse for some time now, and it was all very expected. At this point, we think it's time to get ready for a long position off of the lows. All of the bad news has been finished. APE is converted. The split is over. The 40 million shares of dilution is over, and they are unlikely to create more dilution in the short to...
Hello friends. Many people who use wave theory have no idea what they are doing at all. They make a common mistake that I see over and over again, which is assuming that TIME and PRICE is irrelevant when determining degree. Here is the thing. Here is how degree works. Wave theory is a fractal system where each wave is made up of subwaves which are also made up...
Hello friends. We think that this is a good time to put money into Brazil. The factors that make Brazil appear bullish are the rate cuts, crashing local inflation, and emerging bullish trend in price. We also like that the price has formed what looks like an impulsive wave structure. Our trading plan is to purchase some EWZ at the market open on Monday, and...
Hello friends. We have shorted CVNA with a small size. We placed a stop loss above the local high at $57.19 and a take profit down at $30. The idea for this trade is based on elliott wave theory. The cleanly visible wave count shows a completed move to the upside which means we should expect substantial downside for CVNA in the near future. The other reason we...
Hello friends. The banking crisis has been OFFICIALLY CANCELLED.