XETR:TKA On weekly and daily timeframe a bullish divergency is evolving. As soon as the Elder Impulse is going blue or green it is a great opportunity to go long. Entry: 12.65 Exit: 11.50 Target: 15
NASDAQ:EA EAs daily chart shows a bullish divergence today. That indicates that bears are out of steam and the stock could turn around. Elder Impulse system shows neutral on weekly chart and neutral on Daily. Both after red weeks or days before. Very good indications. I suggest going short with cash secured PUTs or long directly.
EA EA shows a bullish divergence in the Daily Chart with a signal to go long that occurred Oct 12 2018. That could only be a short term investment, or lead into the turnaround of the stock. It was declining since a while beaten up when they were moving the Battlefield V release date to november 20. The stock bounced of a long term resistance also. Limit:...
NYSE:BA Boeing could form a bearish divergency should MACDs tick down on the Daily, or at least don't spike as much as on the former high and then tick down. Good candidate to watch.
XETR:BAS Bullish Divergence could occur on BASF and needs to be watched. This goes against a weekly downtrend, so would be a short term bet to profit from the upswing. As soon as MACD ticks up from now again so completes the divergence and is a buying signal.
CBRE CBRE shows a possible bullish divergence in its daily chart. Prices moved to a new low but MACD didn't. Once MACD ticks up and completes with a shallower bar this is a buy signal. There were some false signals before so setting tight stops can help. A new bullish divergence can happen after some false. Note: Because weekly points down this is only a...
NYSE:ABB Time for a bit a of Divergency Trading. ABB shows a bearish divergence in price and MACD. A divergence is a powerful pattern that means in case of ABB while prices went up, MACD only reached a shallower high creating a bearish divergence. A pull back of prices into the zone between EMAs 13 && 26 bars could happen here.
XETR:HNR1 There might be another bearish divergency coming with Hannover Rueck. There was a first one mid september (see first red arrow in MACD). The downtick of the MACD completed a bearish divergency, as prices moved to a higher value but MACD to a more shallow high. Going short with the downtick would have meant possibly going in at 120. Completing the...