this is not a flingo flango you flamingo me mango?
This is not advice. This is a mirage. This is not forever. Bitcoin is a teddy bear. Love it well when you are young. You will watch it die.
all aboarderino no fanincial advingerino
not finandle sandals or hannakah candles
this is not financial advice i am not a robot i am a hard working independent black woman who don't need no man, i need some manny money
Bitcoin has no development for 2 years, has a halvening coming up that many are invested in to make money, it will fall immensely. Increasing scarcity with diminishing demand means catastrophic dumpage. No hope not finantic titanic maybe little manic
Not faningle advice go ask yourself a pringle
This is not a financially advicicle it might be an icicle But BCH is bitcoin and bitcoin do go up sometimes
this is not financial advice or advingo go play bingo
this is not financial advitalianice the bubble has popped and fear is in the air. Disbelief rally soon to come. At this point in time after the 20k hype monstrosity we can expect to see growth.
just broke massive resistance accumulate now until 1200 . no financial fandingle tingle advice
this is not financial fandango boomerango in a circle advice