So, what happened, absolutely nothing. It's right on target. The air drop drove the price up and the fake lawsuit drove it right back down to where it was to begin with. As far as I can tell, the XRP price is UP and will continue UP. The only crime being committed now is the coordinated delisting by complicit exchanges that are pushing up BTC into a bubble that is...
Price projection for XRP on Jan. 1, 2022 will hit $589. Will top out approximately 1 week later around $1000.
The S&P has hit a Key Resistance Line. Watch for prices to drop down to the mid level Support at the 2440 level where it could find strong support for a move upward. If it breaks through this level look for prices to drop further down to the 2200 level where it should find very strong support. Watch out for the profit takers to come in for the dead cat bounce,...
Key: Red Lines are Resistance Green Lines are Support The markets are in turmoil with no immediate end in sight. Watch as prices fluctuate within a fairly volatile sideways trend for the next couple months. Scenario 1: (My money is on this one) BTC will exhibit a false breakout to the upside around June 1 to coincide with the havening event but the whales will...
Currently all roads lead to Feb. 14th. Then after this event BTC is Long with a period of consolidation between late March and early July.
Short term analysis is short. 1st target is sideways to 7966. 2nd target is the low at 6800 on January 28 @ Noon.
The present short term goal is 10,500 for April 20 followed by a retracement. A new ATH of 20,000 should come in around December 15.
Bitcoin was on target to reach an all time high of $28,000 for Jan. 2018. Unfortunately, this event coincided with the beginning of the Bitcoin futures market. Bitcoin has never been up since. People think that since it went from $3500 in Jan of '19 to over 10k in June that it had an increase in value, it didn't, it is down -63% from its' all time high. Today...
Short term Gold prices will fall going into mid April 2020. After which there will be a strong correction in the stock market as the economy heads into a major recession which will last for 18 months. Capital will seek Gold as a hedge driving up Gold Prices going into mid December 2020. There will be a short 1 month recovery after which the trend will continue...
Did it hit the bottom? Perhaps, it certainly looks that way. Long Term projection is UP. Why do I keep posting charts on Digibyte? Simple, it is the perfect cryptocurrency. Security, It is more secure than Bitcoin, it is unhackable. It is the most decentralized coin without POS or an ICO. Even miners can't centralize it like China and Bitcoin. Speed, It is faster...
Bitcoin is still on target for December 16th. Current price projection is 6780. This should be the bottom and prices should not be going any lower. Mark your calendar.
As the economy is clearly sliding down into a major recession, Bitcoin will become the leading asset for storing long term value which can be transported and exchanged easily around the world. Any Government which stands in it's path through draconian measures of opposition will be left standing in the dust.
A price for price comparison. Over this time period Gold is down -20% and Bitcoin is up 70,000%. The dollar has lost about 10% over this same time period which brings it's current value to about .03 cents on the dollar since 1913. Gold has been steadily increasing throughout 2019 which is a bearish signal for the stock market and the economy, expect the dollar to...
BTC seems to be making a move that is turning more neutral / short. The reason I don't think it is making the hard UP move (Red Lines) is because, 1) it is to early for this move and 2) market forces won't to push the price lower. Current target is 6580 on Dec. 15.
This is a test to see how many views this chart gets and to see who is paying attention. Hardly is D-Byte dead, Volumes may be dismal and the price has not been moving for months. However, all roads say up and given the current state of crypto's with everything moving down, D-Byte has been holding its ground and that says something. With constant improvements...
The price appears to be forming an upward moving channel, the 2 gold lines. Right now we are expecting prices to drop back down to form the second leg of the bottom channel before moving back up.
Still waiting for prices to drop below the 7k level. As the price continues to slide down we expect an even greater move toward the downside yet still hitting the new target for Dec. 31. Bottom price projection as stated earlier remains at 5900. I will keep you posted of any new developments as they occur.