Nach dem Ausbruch aus dem Abwärtsdreieck pendelt der Kurs leider seit mehreren Tagen um die 6.50 herum. Die fehlende Dynamik lässt meine "Conviction" etwas schmelzen. Dennoch bleibt bis auf weiteres das Long Szenario weiter aktuell. Die politische Lage ist weiter sehr undurchsichtig. So unangenehm es klingt aber der erste Impuls, dass der angezettelte Krieg...
Wunderschöne Bodenbildung im 1-Stunden-Chart von ROKU! Heute im Preis gesprungen nachdem bekannt wurde, dass die Apple TV App für Roku Empfänger freigeschaltet wurde
Roughly one month ago I pondered about a breakout of the turkish lira. Now it seems this scenario might happen. Breakout of downward trending line is clearly visible. Move is probably backed by geopolitical tensions directly involving Turkey and economic threats being issued by the US against the country. In the most optimistic case, we could see prices of 8 and...
Canopy Growth Corp tanks beautifully within its recently developed down channel. Based on this rather arbitrary channel, the short term move might be stopped in the $24-$23 range. Mid term this whole setup continues to look beautifully bearish. We again saw lower highs and now for sure lower lows. Next Midterm-Support could be around $21.
Currently short $WEED but seeing signs of weakness in the current downtrend. We definitely see lower highs and lower lows. BUT the low that formed beginning of October is only slightly lower than its predecessor from end of march. So from my perspective all depends on the next 4 weeks. If price shoots over $33, my bearish sentiment will weaken. On the other...
$ROST shows a tremendously steady upward trend over the last 6 years. Currently trading more to the upper end of the trend channel. Also my dividend-radar shows that there is no "value" to be had here. Currently for me only a hold and if it moves to the 120-126 area within the next 3 months I will shed some of my position. In the opposite direction it will be more...
After doubling from 4 to 8 in 12 months from mid 2017 to mid 2018, the turkish lira rested for a while. Currently it looks pretty "wedgy" to me, as I indicated with the trend lines. Since the country is still politically rather "shaky" there might be a breakout to the upside imminent with first target price around 8.