The privacy narrative revolves around the stories, principles, and discourses that define how individuals, organizations, and societies understand and manage personal data and privacy. The privacy narrative intersects with the ETF world through thematic ETFs that focus on companies involved in cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy technology. These ETFs...
Aave is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies through smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables users to earn interest on deposited funds or borrow assets using their crypto holdings as collateral.
"Star Atlas" on Solana refers to a blockchain-based massively multiplayer online game (MMO) that is built on the Solana blockchain. It combines elements of space exploration, strategy, and economics within a decentralized gaming ecosystem. Players can own and trade digital assets within the game using blockchain technology. These assets can include virtual land,...
"Star Atlas" on Solana refers to a blockchain-based massively multiplayer online game (MMO) that is built on the Solana blockchain. It combines elements of space exploration, strategy, and economics within a decentralized gaming ecosystem. Players can own and trade digital assets within the game using blockchain technology. These assets can include virtual land,... Reimagining - data ownership Swash enables internet users, developers, and businesses to cultivate new realities of data ownership and value creation through new incentivisation streams, innovative data monetisation mechanisms, and a collaborative development framework, governed by the ethos of Web 3.
SIP 311 for @synthetix_io eleporters was just presented by CCs and folks from @chainlink Teleporters will leverage CCIP and allow for seamless cross chain transfers of Synthetix liquidity.
Zcash is decentralized, credibly neutral, and, like Bitcoin, has a fixed supply of 21 million Zcash currency units (ZEC). Every 75 seconds, a new block is mined to the Zcash blockchain and a block reward of 3.125 $ZEC comes into circulation. The amount of the block reward cuts in half about every four years until all 21 million ZEC are in circulation. Zcash...
ATOM/BTC is prepared for a new ATH IMO Atom Whitepaper 2.0 ⚛️ Atom Monetary Policy ⚛️ Public Goods ⚛️ Interchain Services Cosmoshub is an Interchain Service Provider.
Decentralized stablecoin - mUsd A secure savings layer built for Defi | 🧑🚀 Building on ERC-4626. Powered by $MTA
RAIZ4 - Reshaping: THE FUTURE OF ENERGY "We are an integrated energy company and a global benchmark in bioenergy with a broad portfolio of renewables. The largest integrated and vertical player in the world, in a country of continental dimensions."
poloniex chart is the worst, ZEC -98%, buy that shit brah