hi friends i think usdchf is on C-A-2-C-2 . SO here we'll have a good short position. take care...
a little up, then DOWN!! so stay careful and watch ur positions
good for HOLDERs as Elliotwaves indicate , here we believe its a long bull way ahead. targets are clear and simple. I'll update in days to see the chart. consider it as a signal to buy!!
hi again, as Elliot waves indicates, BTCUSDT is on 2-3-3-5 wave, so we might be seeing some lower prices for the next 2-3 weeks. i think down there is a good price zone to fill the portfolio. I'll soon be coming back with good news. take care.
hi. its totally a SIGNAL! TELCOIN buy 3-5 % and hold it. chart is starting a new 5 waves path. so get in . I'll update it in 100 days from now and see the the price!
i believe cardano in these prices is going to be a memory! were heading right to the 3ed wave. the most exciting wave!