hello, 5x &10x longs opened TP= 13.4-25.4 SL= 17% % 7% adding to position: yes
hey hey Please note: This is weekly a., so it may touch that SARS + little above, so 1.66 USDT and above might provide some R. Regardless of current situation in this crazy world Called crypto, or maybe because, it could, should or even must go first up. So that is why: 10x longs medium size SL: 7% TP: 1.16 lets see, de
hey hey, ZIL/USD looking awesome daily below the SARS, like many of alts, but this one might be top 5 performers in coming month, lets see de
hey hey, this is a demo trade, since i have to prove i can make profits in order for them to credit me with real cash, so we can split profit 30 vs 70, ...they want to have a proven record, but i cant give them that for 10 years of trading on 10 different brokers :), so i am in demo. They want to teach me indicators etc, i refused to be taught about so i am in...
hey hey still long, but just 1:5 1:10 closed either we go down little or break it, but slowly.. de
hey hey NEAR is nearing the catapult area, it has crazy good R:R, thanks to a friend of mine, who said take NEAR and rose, i checked NEAR. And look what i found, so thats why: size: tiny->small->medium adding: yes lev:10x SL: do we need it? TP: 50 & 61.80 fibo for lev.
hey hey, BTC short TA, slowly going back up. lets see de123
hey hey, One more for public, entry: 0.0051 SL=0.498 TP 50 and 61.8 fibo size: medium to big adding: yes leverage: 5x and 10x lets see de
hey hey Trendline weekly shall act as R, 200MA daily shall act as S, Top should be little before the golden cross, Golden cross shall be Red after golden cross should be good to reenter after ABC into October lets see de
hey hey Hydra still have 45% ROI for staking, and is down 94%, with market cap around 24mio, the potential is 3x-5x imo. lets see de
hey hey Last push for Matic on leverage, then out into September. Monthly looks still awesome to be long, but it is risky due to September being bearish, golden cross etc. lets see de
hey entry: somewhere here looks good lev: 1:5 size: medium SL: do we need it? adding on the way up with max up to 1:7 lev. cheers dejan
hey Soon the FED will lift the rates, so it may boost crypto vs fiat into the August, Sept dump, october pump, november dump as usual? lets see dejan
hey hey entry: alts on 10x risk:10% capital sl:3% NFP is out, now it should slowly claim the 29666 as S, then ABCD points to 32.8K, top should be few days before the next "red" news related to interest rates, so 7-8 days is max. to hold this longs, lets see, dejan
hello, been buying Luna on 2 exchange, several reasons, 1.st when Kucoin was hacked for 150mio, i had pretty big chunk of Luna, that i dumped when they enabled withdrawals, and lost great chunk of potential profit (this is first pain) 2. bought Luna at 90, at 0.015 and now at 0.00026-0.000366 DCA 3. recovery plan is out, he and the team doesnt look to be...
hello entry: below 0.2 & 0.21 size: tiny leverage: 1:7 TPs: 0.33-0.4 SL=liq.
hello, 3x size: tiny TPs 0.5K, 1K, 2.5K, 3K%,..yeah right :) de123