Keep an eye on this coin. Coming back from a bottom of around .13 its been creeping up. AIOZ has been compared to THETA which sits around $3.
May come back down though before it goes through though or head to next pool.
Pool of liquidity at 37k-36k that MMs may retrieve soon. Next pool is around $32.5k which they can get if they so desire or maybe come back to it later in the year.
Btc just sliced through 1 pool of liquidity and heading for the 2nd one between $38k -$39k. Will it go through and head to $36k? Who knows but keep it in mind.
Most altcoins follow Bitcoin so if Bitcoin drops most altcoins will too. Looking at chart there is liquidity as far down as $36k as marked by shaded rectangles. Maybe we go down that far or maybe not but keep it in mind as Bitcoin creeps down.
One thing that has me scratching my head is the HUGE pool of liquidity from Oct 2021 between .00000750 - .00001750. Why havent MMs taken it yet. Will they retrieve it in the NEAR future or come back to it months later after alt season when everything drops 80%? I keep thinking they will retrieve it BEFORE we head up to aths and IF that scenario happens then ALL...
Using numerology and moon cycles I have marked off dates that added up to equal 14 (2-15-2022 =14) . We are in a Shemitah year (7 year cycle) until Sept 2022. I highlighted on chart possible green uptrend and red downtrend areas using Full moon (- energy) and New moon (+ energy) as confluence. Jewish holidays are marked by yellow vertical line as well.
Hey Guys, IMO as a pattern watcher I see a bigger W pattern playing out divisible by 7's. Add the date numbers individually. I see a bigger W pattern which started on * 11-16-2021 (14)...went down to a low 1-25-2022 (14) I believe if the pattern of 7's plays out it will PROBABLY go high (Superbowl hype, middle of W pattern forms with a liquidity pool at 56k)...
Astrological and Jewish holiday dates to look out for in January.
Chart shows where XRP was over the last 4yrs. Also shown is XRP 5yr avg. Pay close attention to last bull run 2017-2018.
I plan to swing trade 6 times through 2022 not incuding year end 2022-2023 using monthly seasonal trends, Astrology and Jewish holidays for confluence. SEASONAL: Dec 31-Jan 7th I plan to sell during this time (highlighted in green) based on 5yr average seasonal trend. ASTROLOGICAL: Jan 2nd - New Moon/ Supermoon and imo will be positive energy and a rise in...
Looking back at previous yrs XRP has pretty much stuck to seasonal trends (ie. Santa Clause Rally January Effect etc.) I have marked POSSIBLE upcoming downtrends in price for XRP (white dotted lines) so it wont be a surprise if/when it happens. I personally will be using Seasonality and astrology to guide my trades next year 2022 and will be posting monthly...
Hope everyone is holding tight and staying calm. As a swing trader I bought xrp at a low in October and am waiting patiently for XRP to make its move up to sell. As everyone knows Dec 4th was a bust...most everyone was expecting highs for their holdings but was denied. IMO Market Makers knew the positive sentiment and decided to use that knowledge to make big...
Market Makers retrieved a pool of liquidity from October. A quick wick down and out...mission accomplished clear skies ahead.
I was wondering why XRP got a wick down to .60...theur had to be a reason for that and wouldn't you know there was a pool of liquidity between .60-.70 (blue rectangle) from end of July beginning of August. Never would I have thought they would go back to that area again as we were above a $1 and supposedly poised for a moonshot but here we are. If you dont...
In the 2017 bullrun Bitcoin hit its high on Dec 16th. Dec 18th was a New Moon (uptrend). XRP started its march upwards on Dec. 11th 2017 and continued upwards through the New Moon on Dec 18th as bitcoins price was falling. XRP continued to RISE through the Full Moon (downtrend) on Jan 1st 2018 topping on Jan 7th 22 days after Bitcoin hit its top. It looks...
What a gift. Under a $1 again I only wish I had more $$$. Its gonna be sweet when it gets to $7-$15.
Stay calm, know what you hold, buy the dip and keep calm. Keep your eye on the prize $7-$15 Dec-Jan.