I don't have time to type out hours of my research at the current moment but.. One word. Verge-like. Happy Trading..
Looks like a third leg of pump is possible. Looking to touch 3400ish then last 30% rocket. Sell at 4500sats. I'm new to TV, but not new to crypto. I'm publishing my ideas here so I can leave my breadcrumbs cause folks in that chat are harsh haha. Anyways, I rode my TRX call from 310 to 460 at 100% of my portfolio so 48% gain overall. And now I plan on another 30%...
Bought in TRX at 310 when XVG news went sour. Nice 50% retrace entry point from previous pump. Trade is 2-3 days. 1. Cheap $.05 coin 2. #2 in volume so it gets eye balls 3. Brand new investors from Coinbase for first time to get on Ripple like cheap coins =) 4. Very Litecoin $80 ish.. =) 5. Pattern is no sub $.05 coins left =) aka PoE and some others.. 6....