The Criminals were hard at work, again, today! I managed to accumulate 200 shares of SYMC
I bought MLI , and, have Never sold it. I heard a Money Manager say: "If you Bought a Stock for a reason , and, that reason hasn't changed... you stick with it."
WHY am I attracted to this stuff? Can I possibly Beat the Algo Robots? Well, I sure as Hell try! Bought 400 shares of PNR
Bought 500 shares of CTB ^$22.80 keeps me rolling.
Another DISHONEST day in the Stock Market. I grabbed 100 shares of QCOM
I am tired of the Criminals, jerking-my-chain! I am Too Old for this Schit. I don't want to end up on Blood Pressure Medicine. However, I have collected 300 shares of CLW
This Dishonest Manipulated Market is nothing more than a Gigantic Mosh Pit. I bought 100 shares of BMY
I had to Buy some shares of BBBY Warren Buffett says: "You have to Buy when there is Blood in the streets." He also says: "If you aren't willing to hold a Stock for 10 years, you shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
It is impossible to "Invest" in a Dishonest Market. These Criminals keep us on the run, every day! I bought additional shares of JCI
The "Criminals" really screwed everyone, today! (Unless you are a shorty) I did manage to sneak in 200 shares of TCP I am not going to give support/resistance levels anymore. They are irrelevant. You can't Trust the Gangsters.
Bought 200 shares of D I already have shares of SCG So, when the Merger happens = I will have More Shares of D