ETH 17 May 2022 The daily expected volatility is between 5-7% With an 83% accuracy based on the historical data, we can assume that the price of ETH today is going to be between TOP 2160 BOT 1890 All of this taken into account with the opening price of today which was 2016 From VOLUME POC point of view its above 2050, which imply a bullish momentum at this very...
BTC 17 May 2022 The daily expected volatility is around 5% With an 84% accuracy based on the historical data, we can assume that the price of BTC today is going to be between TOP 31500 BOT 28500 All of this taken into account with the opening price of today which was 29800. From VOLUME POC point of view its above 30k , which imply a bullish momentum at this very...
Making use of my volatility analytics I am looking for the expected daily movement range for an asset and make a trade according to these findings.
With the help of my volatility analysis product I will take a full in depth look on what we can expect for the next week in terms of movement ranges with a very high level of accuracy
Expected movements for 16-20 May 2022 SPY/SPX Current volatility expected for the next week is going to be around 4.52% So in this case for SPY with almost 90% accuracy the next top and bottom are going to be: TOP 420 BOT 383 At the same time for SPX/ES with almost 90% accuracy as well, we have the next top and bottom TOP 4200 BOT 3840 ...
Making use of my volatility analytics I am looking for the expected daily movement range for an asset and make a trade according to these findings.
IBM 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 32.77%/year So that converted into daily is 2.06% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 133.7 (you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 2.75 points from the open candle value) So based on that our channel for today is going...
Apple 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 47.8%/year So that converted into daily is 3.01% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 145 (you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 4.3 points from the open candle value) So based on that our channel for today is going...
XLE 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 36.3%/year So that converted into daily is 2.3% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 79.3(you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 1.8 points from the open candle value) So based on that our channel for today is going to...
DIA 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 24.22%/year So that converted into daily is 1.52% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 320.6(you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 5 points from the open candle value) So based on that our channel for today is going to...
QQQ 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 40.66%/year So that converted into daily is 2.52% However we are going to go with 25% coficient for a total of 3.2% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 297(you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 9 points from the open...
SPY 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 33%/year So that converted into daily is 2.08% Since we are in need of the open price for the highest accuracy, I am going to take the current price which is 398(you can also wait for the opening price and take +- 8.1 points from the open candle value) So based on that our channel for today is going to be...
Making use of my premium scripts I am looking into daily potential scalping opportunities using a multiple time frame approach.
BTC 13 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 124%/year So that converted into daily is 7.8% So based on current daily movement and current price of the asset of 30300 we can estimate TOP 32000 BOT 28500 This channel has a more than 85% chance to sustain based on the last 290 candles From technical analysis we can see that we just received a long alert...
Making use of my premium scripts I am looking into daily potential scalping opportunities using a multiple time frame approach.
IBM 12 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 35.63%/year So that converted into daily is 2.24% The close of yesterday was 130.75 So based on that our channel for today is going to be compressed within TOP 133.68 BOT 127.8 with a probability chance of 81.6% based on the last 3007 candles From fundamental point, today we have PPI and initial jobless...
Godman Sachs 12 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 46.4%/year So that converted into daily is 2.92% The close of yesterday was 301.55 So based on that our channel for today is going to be compressed within TOP 310.5 BOT 282.5 with a probability chance of 78.2% based on the last 3007 candles From fundamental point, today we have PPI and initial...
Google 12 May 2022 The current implied volatility is at 44.32%/year So that converted into daily is 2.79% The close of yesterday was 2272 So based on that our channel for today is going to be compressed within TOP 2335 BOT 2208 with a probability chance of 78.2% based on the last 3007 candles From fundamental point, today we have PPI and initial jobless...