Getting some PIE for the upcoming BitcoinPrivate Merge/Fork - This is gonna be HUUUGE! SnapShot date is 28th of February!
Golos is STEEMs Twin Brother trading at 1/10th of what STEEP trade at per token, and only 1/20th if we consider that GOLOS only has 120million coins and 10% inflation while STEEM has 250million coins and 9.5% inflation. The potential UPSIDE in GOLOS is formidable, and the price to buy enough Golos to power up a Whale-Account is very affordable. Golos is traded...
The Euro has been pushing hard the last few trading-days, it could go higher - but common sense tells me to start shorting at these levels.
GoPro had a failed stock-buy-back program that allowed the stock to crash down and burn. However, long time of basically sideways - I think there is a good upside waiting to happen.