The NASDAQ:BEAM omega parabola looms Time to outpeform (again).
The NASDAQ:BEAM omega parabola looms Time to outpeform.
A chart depicting the Global (Macro) Liquidity Cycle vs ALTS vs Business Cycle (Normalized). This chart shows a trend and tight correlation between alt coins and the underlying liquidity cycle as well as business cycle.
This chart depicts Global Liquidity (M2) against a backdrop of Altcoin dominance (top 10) to show show liquidity flow impacts bull / bear trends of altcoins.
This is a chart of TOTAL3 (alts -btc/eth) that accounts for diminishing returns. It's an easy guide to follow to make $ with crypto alt coins, and also potentially compound gains while avoiding bear markets using historical, seasonal trends and M2 liquidity.
AXS performance (June - July 2021). Historical breakout vs market.
BTC - 2 Year Projection on the weekly chart. With the halving quickly approaching - we see a confluence of various factors in play for BTC. Namely, the 200MA could provide a solid bedrock of support, that along with the prior area of consolidation in the mid-to-low $5k area that we saw in the early part of the year. All of this is important to keep in the...
BTCUSD Projection Update - Setting up for Xmas Once the area of resistance around ~$7350 breaks, it's a long way down.
Cleaned up a bit to keep it simple & to highlight the similar price action we saw last Nov.
BTC - Scenario & Levels Pre-Halving Accumulation.exe
BTCUSD - Sometimes it helps to zoom out
BTC Updated Levels - Accumulation Mode.exe