I recently opened a short position on Tesla based on the ABCD elon space time continuum I noticed recently while performing some divergence analyses. Basically, the idea is simple. Tesla will eventually become a hardcore meme stock. Reddit users will blast Tesla into space towards the moon, but while doing so Elon will force Tesla to exceed the maximum velocity...
MGK: Growth MGC: Blended MGV: Value As we can see, value is pulling ahead. Growth has expended its fuel through 2021. Beware of growth, bias portfolios toward blended or value.
MGK: Vanguard Growth Mega Cap MGC: Vanguard Blended Mega Cap MGV: Vanguard Value Mega Cap In my previous divergence analysis of MGK and MGV, I noted the deviation of MGK away from MGV suggests MGK is overvalued relative to MGV. I also noted that MGK's divergence away from MGC was disproportionate with MGV's inverse divergence. As a result, I concluded that not...
MGK: Vanguard's growth mega cap etf MGC: blended mega etf MGV: value mega etf MGK's divergence away from MGV reflects the fact that the surging prices of stocks such as TSLA have become far overvalued relative to stocks with good price to book ratios (ie banks). This divergence can't last, its the largest ever seen and totally out of touch with reality. Growth...