BTC do a leg down so they like it
Just an idea using curve tool from pivot points
At least one circle pass through 3 points (marked). Center of circle date is 21-22 Nov. 2021 Despite of trend direction, the following prices are tangents to circle ratios at this date: 2921 - 5320 - 12303 - 19117 - 26549 (bearish) 44713 - 75438 - 104572 - 162446 - 376269 - 683858 (bullish)
me: stop f trying, curve box does not exist also me: we too bro, we too
no war, no virus, just a single line
Therapist: Don't worry. Infected Bat in the chart isn't real, it can't hurt you Infected bat in the chart:
Gann box, good drawing accuracy
Hey there traders, its been a while that i saw charts named fractal movement and bottom is about 150$ or with low difference with 3200. i think fractal means getting a fraction of what happened before and why a fraction can tell about larger scale movements. they are like tree branches or our veins or a geometric shard So, here is my wave counting of what...
Proportions are 1/8, 1/7, 1/6 , 1/5 Be aware of a Spark formation to 7857 and further dump we going up with yellowish golden line (1/5)
Ripple has broken some important levels and it seems that it will remain short even with a bounce on green line in a few weeks later
ZOOM OUT to see the whole thing then zoom in to check the accuracy note that Pi^2 is almost 98% and not 100%/1 .1 pi = 31.41% near .32 fibo .2 pi = 62.83% near .66 .3 pi = 94.24% near 1 used as safe margin to enter/exit