ye sood begirin va zud kharej shin . shakhese AROON haftegi ; khatte AROON DOWN ru be paiine yani ehtemal afzayesh gheymat ham darim dar tul hafte nesbat be nahye sabz ke ghablan goftm . SOODE SARI VA KHORUJ . baraye hamvatanam arezuye movafghyat dar in zamine darm 💸💸💸😘😘😘😘
mibini ke natunest be nahye sabz berese va be samte paiin dar harekate . nazar man ine ke ta 22197 miad paiin ( mahal barkhorde khate banafsh va ghermez . Ahrom paiin bebandin ba stoploss
Seems it couldn't reach the top of GREEN CIRCLE and starts to going down . My target 22197
as you can see in the weekly time frame ; we can see a posible uptrend to around 37 k . After that it touches the resistance line . I think it'll going down to 21 k but may breaks the resistance . it's just my idea . Have a good trade 💸💸🙏🪙
Based on the channel , a short position opportunity has been accured . I hope you enjoy it . I'm still on my short position since 69 k . Good luck everyone .
After struggling right under the 41 k resistance and use of too energy to break it up finally going to the deep of 30 k channel . let's see what happens . I'm still enjoying my last SHORT POSITION since 69k I assume it is going to 29 k . LIKE IF U LIKE IT 😉