Greencoat UK Wind (UKW) Long #UKW
Premier Oil Long to Gap Fill #PMO Oil price recovering. Brent around $42.
BH Global Potential Upside. #BHGG
Swiss Franc Japanese Yen Long #CHFJPY
Waves/Bitcoin Long #wavesbtc #btcwaves
#RMV Rightmove Recent Trades :- Date Time Trade Prc Volume Buy/Sell Bid Ask Value 14-Aug-20 18:45:01 617.11 25,000 Sell* 620.00 620.80 154.28k O 14-Aug-20 17:48:31 621.284 143 Buy* 620.00 620.80 888.44 O 14-Aug-20 17:18:55 621.40 1,934 Buy* 620.00 620.80 12.02k O 14-Aug-20 17:18:43 621.40 1,934 Buy* 620.00 620.80 12.02k O...
XP Power Ltd long #xpp Just an idea, not financial advice. XPP Showing strength for another upside rise to 4120 ish level.