Work in progress, but interesting no less. Love to hear your feedback and call-outs! Cheers
During Summertime the patterns of HFT are often revealed thanks to the low volume we're all too familiar with. Sometimes they start or end a little early or late, but there's no denying their existence. Only a few of the largest institutions in the world are capable of this amount of buying power. Make no mistake, this is a form of market manipulation. ...
The EuroDollar (EURUSD) has a hefty little short setup to play for a 120 pip move should this Head & Shoulders setup breach the guillotines shaft around 1.328 Could be a head-fake -- wait for it to break below then retest the breakout point before entering a position, imo.
I'm not shorting this here, now. No sir. These types do weird things and there's always momo buyers hiding in the weeds. I mean, short your heart out for a 4% or 5% move, but if you're trying to short this to $40, there's higher risk reward opportunities out there. One guy's two cents...
Messing around a bit - no reason to believe this will play out to this degree, but I am very bearish IWM here.
Appears XLE & XLB have the bark and the bite, but XLU wags the dog...
I play around with fractal patterns from time to time. There is no real method to the madness other than connecting areas of support and resistance. However, if one observes how price behaves, it's pretty incredible how it seems to acknowledge otherwise obscured areas of support and resistance. If we look at the area shaded in yellow, what catches my attention...
$CANJPY broke the neckline of its "sidewinder" head and shoulders top formation this morning. The USD action is slightly more firm, but faces the same judgement day soon. Correlation is tight.
The bearish price action today feels great and is good to see - if for nothing else than to acknowledge the market still has a heartbeat despite the zombie bull. However, virtually zero technical damage has been done so far. In fact, this could even be a part of yet another bullish setup forming. I'm short, hedged long on calendar spreads (calls on near month...
Financial market impact seems far fetched until you're in the know... It matters. Read the NASA report here:
This morning I shared an idea with a similar chart on Minyanville's "Buzz & Banter" and thought I'd share it with the good folks of TradingView as well. CADJPY displays a daunting Head & Shoulder's Top very similar to what we see in USDJPY. The major pairs always have more trickery involved to some degree and Dollar Yen has been a nervous, noisy trade the last...
Another very bullish setup takes shape. Very impressed by this unrelenting bull. Notes on the chart; good luck out there! DP
Keep an eye on the 10yr - rise in yields needs to decelerate or inverted yield curve could occur.
See chart for notes. Good luck everyone!