Stocks declined on Friday, led by technology names, but major indexes still posted a positive holiday week. The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average shed 333.59 points, or 0.77%, to 42,992.21, falling for the first time in six sessions. The S&P 500 fell 1.11% to 5,970.84. The Nasdaq Composite slid 1.49% to 19,722.03, as Tesla dropped about 5% and Nvidia fell 2%.
SPY has hit new highs recently, but current data isn't available ¹ ². To confirm, I'd recommend checking a real-time financial platform for the latest info on SPY's performance. Typically, when SPY hits new highs, it indicates strong market performance, with more stocks reaching 52-week highs than lows ³ ⁴. Would you like to know more about what drives SPY's movements?