If price hits 1,1116 before going upward, there is a going long opportunity.
If price action reaches 1,4996 before hitting the C or breaking below it we have a completed Cypher. This is not a signal, nor should you take this idea for anything but an idea. I am in no position to tell eople what to do. I only what to create some discussion, and to train my eye..
If we reach 0,9678 before breaking C to the down side we have a complete, and nice r/r Cypher. This is not a signal, nor should you take this idea for anything but an idea. I am in no position to tell people what to do. I only what to create some discussion, and to train my eye..
The pattern extended its D-leg beyond the completion beofr I noticed it, but as long as I din´t break though the sl it´s ok. If anything one could get a better r/r. I noticed this right when passing the completion (,786) so in this case I got a negative r/r on target 1. It´s about what your trade plan is telling you. This is not a signal, nor should you take...
If price reach 76,345 before breaking to the downside we have a valid, and completed Cypher and a selling opportunity arises.
If price reaches 0,7118 before breaking to the downside, passing the C-point we have a valid Cypher pattern...
If price hits 114,52 before breaking the c-point we have a completed cypher pattern and a selling opportunity arises.
If price action reaches 1,1365 before breaking to the down side we have a completed Cypher pattern and a selling opportunity.
If the market reaches 2,0575 we have a shorting opportunity with a completed Cypher pattern
We we reach 1,1365 before breaking the C-point we have a completed Cypher, A shorting opportunity arises....
If we get up to 0,9565 we (t2 for previous trade) we have a completed Cypher, and there will be an opportunity to go short.
If price drops to 0,9533 we have a completed Cypher pattern.
If price drops to 116,26 before breaking the c-point of the cypher there is a valid, and completed Cypher pattern.
If we reach 117,60 before breaking to the down side we have a nice Cypher
If we get down there before breaking to the up-side.
If price action gets up to 79,248 before breaking structure to the downside there is a selling opportunity.
We price drops to 0,9452 before breaking to the upside, crossing the c-point we have a completed bullish Cypher, and there is a buying opportunity.