Just a bottom signal printing on ETH with an 1hr to go roughly
Pretty simple stuff here. Deviation into manipulation zone and printing a B/R reversal signal with each consecutive day closing above the upper wick. Do not need to over think this here.
6hr break out arrow with squeeze of volatility shading (thanks Trading Alpha) - but the best part of this set up is combining the @tradingalpha HTF trend with @caretakers jewel which is showing a potentially decent signal here on the 6 hr in the works with all purple, pink and yellow bouncing off of the .382 with positive slope in bullish formation. On top of...
$VELO printing consecutive weekly break out arrows of Livermore Cylinder
$VELO showing strength once again against BTC while heading up to test a LTF Livermore Cylinder. Timing could be right for a big breakout.