This has reached the lowest price in its history and made a lowest low but it couldn't stabilize the price below the prior low. Besides, it broke a trend line ant made a short but obvious TR above the broken trend line, so you can buy at multiple prices in this area and wait at least for 0.6666 as the FIRST exit target OR hold it for the higher prices.
The price has seen the main break even and made a beautiful pin bar. It works as a strong buy signal. The stop loss is behind the shadow. The last target is the all-time high. As Bitcoin moves, every other coin moves in the same direction, too, so you can have long positions on other assets according to your personal strategy and entry point.
According to the last analysis, the entry point is past us, but the next entry point is going to emerge. We can now see a double bottom after the prior entry point. One good exit point is on the 70000 level how ever the safest and nearest one might be the 66500 level.
If today's candle closes above yesterday's, it could be a very good buy signal.