follow me for more true posts like this btc to thr moon! LOOOOLL who is the KING?
TF : 1W for SPX500 = 2D for BTC Bitcoin in my idea bitcoin should see 24.3 k price then it has own permission to go above and above! zone 20-25 is the target of waves 4 of bit coin and it has waves 5 after that but you should buy it there! what DO you think ?
I HAVE WARNNED YOU ABOUT BITCOIN @ 56.000 $ ABOUT SHARP DROP! (LOOK at my past posts to believe it) now we are on 30.k $ #BITCOIN !!!nice! ALL MARKET WILL FOLLOW BTC!
BTC is ready for dump! ... TOTAL MARKETtoo. i will say why in the next port soon!
Hello, I am King Technic This is my analysis of the wave count of gold charts for the long term (several decades!) And what will happen! Wave 1: Includes Sharp moves up to $ 700 Wave 2: correction wave for wave 1(pull back-retest of break out) Wave 3: Formed after coming out of the relative ceiling and breaking it (the big wave 3 itself has 5 waves and we are...
Here i show you my prediction of CARDANO price and where we are now! but ADA in the supply zone and And if the market was in absolute fear, enter after 2 confirmation candles with less profit, but more definite! FOLLOW ME FOR MORE SIGNALS AND PERFECT ANALYSIS! Time will tell SAY MY NAME!
Whatever bitcoin drops from here goes back to this point. LET BIT COIN PRICE COME BACK TO ABOUT 42.2k THEN SELL/ The warning was sold before. See the previous post and stay with me ... According to the US.DOLLAR and GOLD index, this price drop was confirmed...
First of all, I must say that we are on the right way and the trend is according to the analysis Bitcoin is 100% on sale and I believe in this, but I do not sell all my coins at once and now I am cashing over 60% of my capital to buy at more reasonable prices. I will post a post about the price and strong support of Bitcoin soon ... I am talking about the price...
FIRST OF ALL It is not a bitcoin short signal but you should know. the behavior of traders of BINANCE:BTCUSDT repeated and it MAY! happens in the future ... again.! I have highlighted different parts of the chart that are very similar to each other. You can see the repetition of the past {of course in a smaller price range and time} If the same behavior is...
BTC support and resistance levels by 4 in 1 Fibonacci converted to one. (+channel) FIB PRZ Level: .../10100 / 13250 / 19100 / 30950 / 37400 / 60500 77300 / 111000 / 217000 /335000 /... Discovered by @kingtechnic1
CELR support and resistance levels by 4 in 1 Fibonacci converted to 1 for simple view CELR PRICE NOW 0.111 FIB LEVELS: .../ 0.495 / 0.297 / 0.145 / 0.076 / 0.0458 / 0.0223 / 0.01515 /...
trust wallet token support and resistance zones with 5 in 1 Fibonacci which has been converted to one FIB and fib circle which help us to have a small view about time based analyses.
xvgusdt support and resistance zones multiple time frame 4 in 1 fibonacci! you can see why!? Kingtechnic