An indicator called Hash ribbons is showing a buy on the daily chart for BTC. Last time this signal flashed a buy was in Dec 2020.
I'm trying to learn this indicator, 'hash ribbons backtest - bitcoin Beats YT Ribbons' but look at this indicator at the bottom and when it has turned green and what the price did after. This is 4 hour candles for BTCUSD on Coinbase (it is similar on other exchanges BTW). Very interesting and some thing I am trying to learn more on how it works.
I'm a rookie at this but i have noted from several you tubers an inverse relationship between BTC and DXY (dollar index) as well as gold and silver with DXY. When playing with the chart and 1 hr candle sticks, i had DXY charted and then added BTCUSD from coinbase to compare. I zoomed in and out a bit but this pattern with about last 10 days shows interesting...