This glitch is even more extreme under Windows 10 than my first published video using Ubuntu 20.04. It makes trading a bit difficult.
Is anyone having their tradingview charts automatically scroll back without doing anything? It makes analysis difficult as the chart scrolls to a previous historical point in time all on its own. I am on Ubuntu 20.04.
These are BB graded junk corporate bonds that yield 5.42% during a low interest period, at the same time jobless claims claims are at 22M with almost 18% unemployment. This does not look like a good situation, we may have a problem. I bought a 6/19 expiration 72/68 Put spread for $0.40 each, if it continues to go up I will buy more.
I shorted the FXI early February, I am still in this position. Expect it to continue to drop another 20% to 25%. China has been reporting 0 new cases of the CCPvirus for the past week, while I believe the cases have dropped I do not believe it is 0. They have been opening up many locations such as Guizhou and Xinjiang (East Turkistan), theaters in Beijin,...
The current economic situation around the world sprouts an economic recession and even depression. Sony sells a lot of nonessential products, while their products are great their sales are likely to drop given the significant less amount of cash and cash flow the average person has. There currently are unemployment benefits in the U.S. and likely other...
Luckin Coffee is a great business to go out and enjoy your day and sit around many other people in Communist China. With over 7 million beds 100% filled with coronavirus patients and about 800 million people under forced quarantine, a huge amount of the Chinese community will not be able to enjoy a nice day out listening and looking at communist propaganda with...
Given Murphy's Law it is very probable the novel coronavirus will spread to different states and cities all over the world and continue community spread at an exponential rate. This will result in small businesses sale numbers to decrease significantly, Square (SQ) is mostly based on a transaction based fee, their other products are likely to decrease in usage...