2021 11 25 Will it start again or not? DENT is waiting for the BTC PUMP This cent 0.00 coin is always the pressure shaft
The wave is now starting to enter a consolidation. This is not a trap that I would have guessed, as we can see that the extension of the cycle will hopefully continue until the end of the year, with strong waves, and a decline in DXY, which is very helpful for the next market movement of the whole market, optimistic that many raw materials are starting up, and...
Although for some reason September always feels a little bit depressing, we are getting closer to Christmas and it is a happy time and I think we will be optimistic too, good luck my friends!
What I feel now is The cost of some alt buys now appears to be very high A small pity
Waiting quietly Like the bottom of three bowls gl
I would like to leave everything wide open to all the possibilities in the world.
In Alpha/ BTC there is still a lot of distance from the previous highs, which will slowly correct back as bitcoin rises Here is my chart analysis Thank you for watching GL