hello guys im back to new chart fractel btc.d soon down to 47%
hello this update portal with fractel , this chart now can see your holding
hello bro , now i can see pris action at hot coin you can profit 700% ... just buy dup and sell hight and holding
hello OBI in kucoin can go to 0.14 $ let go obi , im hire for you just follow me
hello this fractel for my friend ask me for chart arb coin i can see hum go to 10 $ just holding bro , and im hire for u , follow me to get more news and write me if you need any coin chart
hello my friend i can see bome to 300% just holding , not forget follow me to get more news good luck
hello i can see portal to 3.2 $ BINANCE:PORTALUSDT long-term can see to 50$
hello this chart long-term for op coin with fractel school BINANCE:OPUSDT
if you holding can see THETA to 44$ BINANCE:THETAUSDT just holding
soo soon can see BINANCE:IDUSDT flay to 2$ just hold it going to 5$
now can you go to reash with me BINANCE:DREPUSDT folow me now
theta can back to dip BINANCE:THETAUSDT after can back to 44$
can see cfx to 3 $ good luck not forget flow me BINANCE:CFXUSDT
in fractel 15m can see this analise for ID coin going to 2.2 BINANCE:IDUSDT