Today we’re going to be looking at three categories for strategy rules . This is very critical because the most important concept before we enter into a trade is to have it already pre-set in our mind where we’re going to enter and how we’re going to exit. It’s all got to be totally predetermined and you have to visualise your whole trade set-up, your trade...
In this live trading session video, we are looking at a live trade position on the GBPUSD using the Stretch principle,SMI and VSA methodology. Remember that the knowledge shared here are powerful cross-transferrable principles that can be applied with any intra-day or end of day strategy.
In this video, we look at step 7/7 where we bring everything together and look at the 3 components of a trading system. We then discuss the next steps on your trading journey.
In this live trading session video, we are looking at a live trade position on the GBPUSD using the Stretch principle,SMI and VSA methodology. Remember that the knowledge shared here are powerful cross-transferrable principles that can be applied with any intra-day or end of day strategy.
In this live trading session video, we are looking at how we put all the parts together based on the stretch principle along with the volume spread analysis methodology. We show you an example of the strategy rules you need to consider to put the strategy together and trade with conviction. Remember that the knowledge shared here are powerful cross-transferrable...
In this video, we look at step 6/7 where we go through defining the CO of your strategy. This is a critical step even before you start to build your strategy rule parameters.
In this live trading session video, we are looking across different instruments to identify the highest probability trades using the stretch principle and trend correlation. Do reflect on these points to incorporate them into your own strategy.
In this video, we look at step 5/7 where we go through the final stats you must know for strategy construction which is Time to.
In this live trading session video, we are doing a trade update on the potential trades that we were looking at earlier on BRTUSD and DAX using the stretch principle, smart money and volume spread analysis methodology. Main points to take away are to look at trend correlation across multiple timeframes and take the BRO in that direction.
In this live trading session video, we are looking across different instruments to identify the highest probability trades using the stretch principle, trend correlation and VSA methodology. Do reflect on these points to incorporate them into your own strategy.
A very warm welcome to this video which is all about the 3 Essentials to Start Trading . This is for all of you out there that may be new to trading, that haven’t got a feel for the market yet and haven’t got started and maybe you’re asking yourself ‘What is it I need to do now to get myself up and running?’ We found out of the 20,000 plus traders that we’ve...
In this video, we look at step 4/7 where we go through the 2nd out of the 3 stats you must know for strategy construction which is Maximum Adverse Excursion, MAE.
In this live trading session video, we are doing a trade update on the OIL trade that we took earlier using the stretch principle, smart money and volume spread analysis methodology. Main points to take away are to think cumulative and extract the cross transferrable principles to use in your own strategy.
In this live trading session video, we are looking at the OIL trade and aligning the stretch principle along with the volume spread analysis methodology. We then look at this across the other instruments like S&P 500, GBPUSD,etc to illustrate this powerful cross-transferrable principle that can be applied with any intra-day strategy.
In this video, we look at step 3/7 where we go through the 1st out of the 3 stats you must know which is Open Equity,OE.
In this live trading session video, we are looking at the GOLD trade and going through the Range or OE stats in correlation to the open price. We then look at this across the other instruments like S&P 500,EURUSD and OIL. In the next few videos, we will go into further detail on how this powerful cross-transferrable stretch principle can be aligned with the VSA...
In this video, we look at step 2/7 which is to Quantify T&Bs to help you solve the no 1 challenge of traders that we discussed in Step 1.
A very warm welcome to this video which is all about the three essentials to start trading . This is for all of you out there that may be new to trading, that haven’t got a feel for the market yet and haven’t got started and maybe you’re asking yourself ‘What is it I need to do now to get myself up and running?’ We found out of the 20,000 plus traders that we’ve...