Why is explosive market growth coming soon: - The pandemic is ending - The appearance of the vaccine caronavirus - A sharp rise in turnover - Air travel - Opening borders - Wild purchases by US investors - Inflation is suppressed by the currencies of third world developing countries - An all-time bull market in history - Rebound type V of course Final...
It is second same period, and he will end - S&P cannot to be grow (may be) - BTC need to be consolidate before grow up! - To grow, BTC need to get rid of passengers - Current flat is booooring :)
Trap for the middle class bottom seeker - Fall after emission of $ 2 trillion as at $ 1.5 trillion before - The pandemic continues - There is no vaccine yet - People still do not fly airplanes and do not eat burgers Ahead of a wave of unemployment and as a result of bankruptcies Print another 3-4 trillion $ BUT! THE Ultimate Goal is Euphoria November 2, for the...